What I Do

Update 6/1/2023: Effective immediately, Bredemarket IS NOW ABLE to accept client work for solutions that identify individuals using (a) friction ridges (including fingerprints and palm prints), (b) faces, and/or (c) secure documents (including driver’s licenses and passports). 


Bredemarket helps identity (biometric/secure document), technology, and other companies craft the words to communicate with technical and non-technical audiences. Think of me as the “town crier” who helps you to get your message out—but without the bell, the loud voice, or the special costume.

By Unknown author – postcard, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7691878

Examples of what I can do

Examples of what Bredemarket can do for your firm:

And that’s just a sampling of the different things that I’ve written over the years.

How did I end up writing?

So how did I end up writing? I’ve been writing for pay (and for free) since my college days, when I held several positions with the Reed College Quest, the college newspaper. Just about every position I’ve held has involved some form of written communication, and I’ve also written personal blogs and other content on the side. Last summer, after I announced that I had become a free agent (a/k/a I had been laid off), people began approaching me with writing needs, and I started writing for others. If you’d like to know the full story, see the “Who I Am” section of the Bredemarket website.

Examples of what Bredemarket has done

Now you probably won’t want me to write for your college newspaper. But there are more appropriate written pieces that I can create for your firm. Here are some examples of what Bredemarket has done for other firms:

  • Analyzed website/social media for identity firm. The firm already knew that its website was dated—some of the pages hadn’t been updated in years. I provided an independent assessment of the site and its associated social media, including 19 pages and 5 downloadable documents, and provided recommendations for improvement.
  • Ghostwrote standard proposal text for a product in three market segments for identity firm. The firm needed tools for its account managers to use in early contacts with potential clients. My standard proposal text addressed the needs of the specific market segment, and then described how the firm’s products and services could address those needs. It included various options that the account manager could include or remove depending upon the needs of the client, and incorporated fields to easily customize the client name and other variables. The firm has been using this proposal text since December 2020, and as of February 2021 I updated the text to reflect additional needs of the firm.

“I just wanted to truly say thank you for putting these templates together. I worked on this…last week and it was extremely simple to use and I thought really provided a professional advantage and tool to give the customer….TRULY THANK YOU!”

Comment from one of the client’s employees who used the standard proposal text
  • Ghostwrote white paper text for technology firm. The firm needed a piece that explained how the features of a particular software platform could benefit business customers, and how the firm’s expertise in this particular software platform made it the preferred choice to help business customers implement these features. Using reference materials from the firm, the software platform provider, and my own research, I developed the text for a white paper that addressed the firm’s needs. A redacted excerpt from the white paper can be viewed below.
  • Ghostwrote blog text for identity and technology firms. I have written short pieces to promote the products and services of various firms.

For more detailed (anonymized) discussions of what I have done for other firms, please see the “past illustrations” series of posts in the Bredemarket blog.

How I do it: my simple process

So HOW does Bredemarket do these things?

Bredemarket’s content creation process ensures that the final written content (a) answers the WHY/HOW/WHAT questions about you, (b) advances your GOAL, (c) communicates your BENEFITS, and (d) speaks to your TARGET AUDIENCE. It is both iterative and collaborative.

Here is the general content creation process (which may vary depending upon content complexity and your preferences):

  • You and Bredemarket agree upon the topic, goal, benefits, and target audience (and, if necessary, outline, section sub-goals, relevant examples, and relevant key words/hashtags, and interim and final due dates).
  • For complex content requiring input and approval of multiple subject matter experts, you and Bredemarket agree on a preliminary list of tasks, assigned persons, and due dates.
  • For content that must be incorporated into your content management system, you and Bredemarket agree on the necessary format and other parameters. Otherwise, the final copy will be provided in Microsoft Word docx format, including (as appropriate) callout indicators, hyperlinks, key words, and/or hashtags.
  • For projects requiring multiple related pieces of content, you and Bredemarket agree upon the desired frequency of content.
  • You provide relevant technical details (and, for selected longer content, access to the end customer for a 30 minute interview).
  • Bredemarket conducts any necessary research (or interviews).
  • Bredemarket iteratively provides the specified number of review copies of the draft content within the specified number of days per review. (The number of review cycles and review time must agree with any due dates.) The draft content advances your goal, communicates your benefits, and speaks to your target audience in your preferred tone of voice. Relevant examples and key words/hashtags are included.
  • You return comments on each review copy within the specified number of days. For longer content, you may provide the draft formatted copy for the final review.
  • After all reviews and comments, Bredemarket provides the final copy.

Bredemarket services (marketing, writing, other)

Bredemarket Marketing Offerings

Bredemarket Writing Offerings

Bredemarket Other Offerings

Are you local to the Inland Empire West (Ontario, California area)?

Be sure to check out my “locals only” special services for small businesses in Ontario, California and the surrounding cities.