Video: Differentiating Your Company and Your Products/Services

From the video below.

Last week I prepared a presentation for a conference organizer, thinking that I would give the presentation at the conference in question. Instead, the organizer emailed the presentation slides to selected conference attendees. The attendees probably liked it that way.

But I still wanted to give the presentation.

And I also wanted to generalize the presentation so that it applied to ALL technology companies, not just the ones who were attending the conference.

So I recorded myself giving the presentation “Differentiating Your Company and Your Products/Services.” It’s ten minutes long, and you can view it now.

Differentiating Your Company and Your Products/Services (April 9, 2024)

This video obviously discusses differentiation, but also discusses customer focus as well as the seven questions your content creator should ask you before writing (including benefits and target audience). Not only are the seven questions good for creating content, but they are also good for differentiating content. (For example, why is your product/service so great while all of your competitors’ products/services suck?)

If you’re watching this video on your laptop, be sure to keep your smartphone handy because at the end of the video I display a QR code to obtain more information. Just point your phone at the QR code.

Of course, if you’re watching this video on your smartphone, you can’t read the displayed QR code. So just go to instead.


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