Is Your Company Ignoring Your Prospects?

Are you locking your prospects out?

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Ignoring your prospects is NOT a winning business strategy. But a lot of companies do it anyway by not communicating regularly with their prospects.

If you ignore your prospects, your prospects will ignore you.

Meetings and money, via a third party

Of my three Bredemarket meetings (so far) today, the second was the most promising.

A person at a large company needs consulting services from me. All we need to do is work out the mechanics. The large company relies on a third party to manage its indpendent contractor relationships, including onboarding, time cards, and payments for hourly work. I wanted to learn about the third party, but I ran into walls when seeking current information about the firm.

The third party’s website is static

The third party’s website talks about its services, some unique aspects about the business, the story of its founder (a fascinating story), its technology partners, and its call to action. It provides ALMOST everything…with the exception of CURRENT information.

Does your company website look like
  • No press releases from the third party.
  • No links to news articles that mention the third party.
  • Not even a blog.

Basically if you want CURRENT information about the company…

…you get crickets.

African field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. By Arpingstone – Own work, Public Domain,

Not literally, but you know what I mean.

Which makes me wonder—is the third party doing anything NOW? Or was all of the existing content set up when the company was founded a decade ago?

If text like this is on your home page, you have a problem. From, which acknowledges that this text is over 13 years old. Does your site have old text without such an acknowledgement?

Luckily for me, I knew where to find current information on the company. Since the company is a B2B provider, I assumed that the company has a LinkedIn page. And I was right. But…

The third party’s LinkedIn page is also static

As you probably know, company LinkedIn pages have several subpages. The “About” supage talks about the third party company’s services, and the “People” subpage links to the profiles of the company’s employees, including the founder. So I went to the “Posts” subpage for the third party…

…and found crickets.


Not literally, but you know what I mean.

In nearly a decade of existence, the company has NEVER written a LinkedIn post to reach out to its prospects or customers.

Ignoring your prospects

As I’ve said before, companies that refuse to generate current content in the form of blog posts or social media posts make it appear that your company is no longer an ongoing, viable concern.

By Yintan at English Wikipedia, CC BY 4.0,

And this is so easy to fix.

Pay attention to your prospects by providing current content.

If you ignore your prospects, your prospects will ignore you.

Are you ready to stop ignoring your prospects?

If you need help creating content for your blog, your social media platforms, or your website, Bredemarket can help you regain credibility with your prospects and customers.

Authorize Bredemarket, Ontario California’s content marketing expert, to help your firm produce words that return results.

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