Ontario, California’s July 4 Parade From A Non-videographer

John E. Bredehoft of Bredemarket at the Ontario, California Fourth of July Parade on July 4, 2023 at Euclid and E.

Let’s start with a confession.

I am not a professional videographer.

So why did I shoot video at this morning’s July 4 parade in Ontario, California?

Because I had previously resolved that I needed to recommit myself to video.

From the Bredemarket podcast, https://open.spotify.com/episode/6e0CkM918ytlxHg518b0rc?si=vuv5WuAgQ62W4tRfpgVnkg. Also available on other platforms. This episode is only about a minute long.

And today was the obvious day to recommit.

From the Bredemarket podcast, https://open.spotify.com/episode/5g79mQZZ1w0KpGWjdkGqm4?si=1HxjWpO7R-GXi40PmEvFBg. Also available on other platforms. This episode is even shorter, less than 30 seconds.

Oh, and there were two other reasons.

  1. I know a lot of people who write today’s date as 4/7. In other words, they do not live in the United States. Most of these people have never experienced a U.S. July 4 celebration, and this post is a convenient way to share a 4th of July parade with them.
  2. There are a lot of businesspeople in California’s Inland Empire. They write the date as 7/4, and these businesspeople need to communicate with their prospects and clients. If Bredemarket can’t fulfill their videography needs, then what the heck CAN Bredemarket do for them? A lot, as I’ll explain at the end of this post.

But first let’s look at some parade videos and pictures.

Videos from before the parade

Pre-parade staging, Euclid and 4th. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbBgfRRJqAE
Euclid and I, 20 minutes before the parade began. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE5M5GIZcEE

Videos and pictures from the parade

The start of the parade. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW7wpcu14wM
The Chaffey High School marching band. To ensure that I didn’t violate copyright restrictions on various social media platforms, I made sure to create this video when the band was NOT playing its long-standing theme song, “Eye of the Tiger.” From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoLiObu_l04
Ontario, California Mayor Paul Leon and his wife Cheryl.
These are just a few of the motorized vehicles that appeared in the parade. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA3CjUwXsi8
On the right you can see a U.S. Marine re-enactment of the famous Iwo Jima picture.
A banner representing Buffy Gutierrez’s Christmas on Pleasant St charity.

The videos and pictures that I DIDN’T take

Obviously this is not a complete document of today’s parade, which had well over 50 participating entries. There were a few notable omissions:

  • Horses. Sorry for not capturing any horse videos or pictures this year.
  • Twirlers. The girls (and at least one guy) who were twirling were exceptionally good.
  • Itty bitty cars. I didn’t see the Shriners this year, but there were at least a couple of participants who drove itty bitty cars around.
  • Those danged bagpipes. Locals know who I’m talking about. I lived near Upland High School for a few years, and was “blessed” to hear them practice early on some mornings. Jeff Pope, they’re yours.

But at least the videos and pictures that I DID take give you a little bit of a taste of what a U.S. July 4th is like.

IE businesses are now wondering what Bredemarket CAN do for them

My European friends can tune out here. This next part is addressed to local businesses.

Specifically, I’m talking to local businesses who need to communicate to their prospects and clients, and therefore have a need for written content that inspires your prospects to find out more about your products and services, and hopefully purchase those products and services.

But before you create that written content yourself, or have someone (such as Bredemarket’s John E. Bredehoft) work with you to create the content, you need to make sure you create the right written content.

Click below to find out how to create the right written content.

Or if you’re already familiar with the six questions, skip ahead and find out how Bredemarket works with you to create the right content for you.

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