If You’re on the Biometric Digital Identity Prism, Enlighten Your Prospects

In marketing, move quickly.

On Saturday, September 30, FindBiometrics and Acuity Market Intelligence released their joint document on the Biometric Digital Identity Prism.

From https://findbiometrics.com/prism/ as of 9/30/2023.

For those who don’t know, the Prism presents an organized view of all of the digital identity companies—or at least the ones that FindBiometrics and Acuity Market Intelligence knew about. In the last few days, they were literally beggin’ to give companies a last chance for inclusion.

On Monday, I began to see a trickle of companies that talked about their place on the Prism, including iProov and Trustmatic.

But many companies remained silent. They have the right to do so, but it’s mystifying.

Why were they quiet?

What if they knew they had to say something…but they didn’t have someone to help them craft a statement?

Do you need to enlighten your prospects?

If you need help making your statement to your prospects and customers, perhaps Bredemarket can assist.

I’ve been in the industry for 29 years, and remember when the “Big 3” were a (mostly) different Big 3.

If the biometric content marketing expert can help you with identity blog post writing (or identity LinkedIn article writing or whatever), contact me and we can work together to position your company.

  • Book a meeting with me at calendly.com/bredemarket. Be sure to fill out the information form so I can best help you. 

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