Face Your Emotions

Sixteen faces expressing the human passions. Coloured engraving by J. Pass, 1821, after C. Le Brun. CC BY 4.0. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sixteen_faces_expressing_the_human_passions.Wellcome_L0068375(cropped).jpg

How should you react to my content marketing? And why?

I was contemplating (in a sage-like manner) the emotions I may want people to feel after they read a piece of my content.

The problem statement should inspire one or more negative emotions.

Perhaps FEAR.

Perhaps ANGER.

Likewise, the solution and/or the results statements should inspire one or more positive emotions.

Perhaps COMFORT.


Then I realized that the four words I selected formed the acronym “face.”

I think I can remember that.

Now I just need acronyms I can apply to the other six questions.

Those will empower ME.

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