Drive Content Results with Bredemarket Technology Firm Services

Do you need to create content that converts prospects for your technology product/service and drives content results?

Drive content results with Bredemarket Technology Firm Services.

Talk to Bredemarket and discuss your needs. Book a meeting with me at Be sure to fill out the information form so I can best help you.

If you’re not sure about using Bredemarket

Maybe you need to know a little more before booking that meeting.

Why should you work with Bredemarket to craft your customer-focused story about your technology product?

So, let’s create your content!

Bredemarket asks the right questions

Before I write a word of content, I work with you to make sure that I understand your needs. I start by asking seven important questions.

  • Why?
  • How?
  • What?
  • Goal?
  • Benefits?
  • Target Audience?
  • Emotions?

I ask many more questions, but those are the seven most important ones. If you’d like more details on these seven questions, I wrote an e-book about them.

Bredemarket creates many types of content

Depending upon the answers to the questions, you and I can determine what type of content you need. Chances are I’ve created similar content in the past. Here are a few types of content that I’ve created:

Bredemarket Work Samples, August 2023. Previously posted at
  • Articles
  • Blog Posts (I’ve created 500+)
  • Briefs/Data/Literature Sheets
  • Case Studies (I’ve created 12+)
  • Proposals (I’ve created 100+)
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads, TikTok, Twitter)
  • Web Page Content
  • White Papers and E-Books

Maybe you can use one of these content types, or maybe you can use one of the other types of content that I’ve created.

Bredemarket collaborates with you

Once we’ve settled on the content, I create a draft and submit it for your review. We then iterate on the drafts and reviews until we have a final product.

The goal is to ensure that both of us are happy with the final product.

Let’s create your content!

So now you’re ready to work with Bredemarket to create customer-focused content that resonates with your prospects. Why don’t you contact the technology content marketing expert and get started?

Scheduling a Calendly meeting is only one of several ways to move forward. There are three ways to move forward with your content project, or you can just join the Bredemarket mailing list to stay informed.

  • Book a meeting with me at Be sure to fill out the information form so I can best help you.
By Intel Free Press, CC BY-SA 2.0,


Bredemarket creates customer-focused technology content that resonates with prospects and drives your desired content results. Bredemarket’s process involves asking questions about your needs, determining the content type, and creating the content with multiple review cycles. Bredemarket creates diverse content including articles, blog posts, case studies, white papers, and social media content.